Standard no insurence.

Standard with insurance and tracking. 

Express shipping with insurance.

When the order gets lost because of the shipping and delivery companies fault there is no refund from the seller to the buyer and there is no resending the order unless the buyer buys it again and pays again for the shipping.

When you order through this website you agree with the above stated terms and conditions.




Or use :

VERY LOW FEES AND VERY LOW BANK exchange in all RATES. Pay in your currency with payout into Euro to my European bank account. 

Arrival within 1 hour (Must be send inbetween 8pm and 4pm)

Send Money Online with a telegraphic transfer


Send Money Online with a telegraphic transfer. Arrival within 1 hour (Must be send inbetween 8pm and 4pm)
Transfer online
Transfer by phone

Sign up for your account.
Payment with credit card and online bank transfer.
Pay in your currency or other currency to payout in currency Euro to our Euro account.


Paypal is not possible .  

Paypal does not offer seller and buyer protection. They just say that until it does not benefit them anymore and they have many ways to steal your money legally, but its not honest . You can read that in the screw PayPal website. PayPal is a big monopoly and they steal your money because they can, not because its right.

At one given time it stops and it has stopped with us. We do not do any businesses with paypal anymore.

For scammers paypal is heaven. Scammers have lots of ways to steal my money and products and they did. PayPal

has not helped us at all. And we did not became our right, did not get our products back and did not get our stolen money back and has to pay this stolen amount of money by a scammer to paypal as well. That is why we stopped with paypal payments. We are not the only one in the world that has unmasked paypal as you can read on the screw paypal forum and website.

Paypal has also told us that they do not want anything to do with our products which they think is medical but they are cosmetics and not medical . Paypal help desk are robots and you cannot learn / teach them anything . they do not want to or are to stupid. They are under control of the big boss paypal.


We pay 5000 euro per year for an ltd and accountant and pay taxes.

It will be stupid to not deliver products to our clients who has ordered and payed for it. We do not destroy our business.

Of course your products will be delivered after your payment has been received.


We are just the messenger that is warning people to not trust paypal at all and stop with paypal before its to late and they steal your money.


We are not interested in payment options that take so much % from both us and you and then as well at one point in time steal from you. You can be sure of that.

We know we are trustworthy and you will know too after you have received your first order. Furthermore its up to your intuition and wisdom.


Like any normal registered business, payments via bank wire transfer should be enough.


We are just refusing to cooperate with thieves.